The Street Vendor Project (SVP) was founded in 2001 to organize a diverse community of workers, self-employed people and small business owners who make their living on the streets and sidewalks of New York City. ​Today, we are a membership-based organization with more than 2,900 vendor members, who sell food and merchandise across the five boroughs, advocating for dignified working conditions for our city’s smallest businesses.​
At the core, our work centers on creating a diverse community of street vendor leaders through multilingual political education and organizing training. We organize in membership bases by language, in Spanish, Arabic, Bangla, Mandarin, French, Wolof, and English. Together we advocate for legislative change to better the lives of NYC's smallest businesses and hold regular meetings where we plan collective actions for getting vendors' voices heard. On the day to day, our members connect with fellow street vendors through street outreach, building our power and educating one another about their legal rights and responsibilities.
In addition to organizing and advocacy, SVP members have access to Legal Services, Sales Tax Filing Assistance, Catering Opportunities, Financial Literacy Training, Social Media Workshops, & Business Compliance Training and more. Just like with other unions, SVP members pay an annual membership due. Our organization is accountable to our members, and all members receive access to all services year round.
Get Involved!
During our monthly membership meetings, we welcome both members and non-members, providing vendors with a safe space to exchange personal experiences, and build with vendors from all over the city.
Street vendors are welcome to join us the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 5 - 7 PM at our office at 40 Rector Street, 9th Floor, New York NY 10006.
Membership dues are $100/yr and can be paid online here.
Leadership Board
Each year, our membership elects a Leadership Board of 16 deeply invested organizational members who are representatives of the broad membership and engage in organizational decision-making.

Mohamed Awad
My name is Mohamed Awad. I have been a vendor at Hudson Yards for more than a decade, way before the mall existed. I have dealt with major issues throughout the years, battling with real estate big bosses and harassment from different enforcement bodies. Fueled by my passion to defend my business, I want to bring this passion to the SVP leadership board and find solutions that will work for all vendors across NYC. I am committed to defending my fellow vendors and committed to fight for change. Thank you.

Calvin Baker
My name is Calvin Baker. I have been a vendor on 125th Street for more than 15 years selling general merchandise. I am committed to advocating for the rights of vendors all over the city. I have done a lot of work on the ground supporting vendors and trying to find ways to ease the struggle. I see the work that SVP does as a key asset to the vending community and I think it's important to bring the voice of Harlem vendors to the table.

Helen He
My name is Helen He. I am a street vendor from Flushing. I lost my job in 2020 due to the pandemic, and became a street vendor because of the immense pressure to support my family. In the beginning, I sold bread but it wasn't sufficient so I turned to antiques and eventually clothing, which earned me enough income and I gradually grew to like this job. With my previous business experience in China and the different products I've sold, I'm starting to think bigger. I hope everyone can elect me to join SVP's Leadership Board and become one of you. I hope to contribute to the overall street vending community and connect with vendors of different cultures and backgrounds and lead us to develop, innovate, and grow our businesses through our own efforts, so we can all live better lives.

Emily Lam
My name is Emily Lam, and I'm a mother of two. I am a street vendor and I sell Chinese and Western antiques, as well as jewlery and accesories. I'm very honored and excited to run for SVP's Leadership Board and I will do my best and give my all for this work. I have been to marches and protests, and participated in meetings with local councilmember. I've felt especially deeply through these experiences from this past year. Although we couldn't accomplish everything we wanted, I've learned a lot and will continue to improve. I will do my best as a part of the Leadership Board.

Alejandra Marin
My name is Alejandra Marin, I live in the Bronx, and I am a seasonal vendor on Jackson Ave. I started selling in 2021 because of the pandemic. I lost my job and was affected financially. This led me to street vending. I want to run for the Board of Directors, in order to fight for licenses and permits for all vendors without excluding any food or general merchandise. My motivation in achieving this goal is my father, who years ago sold flowers. On several occasions he received fines, confiscation of goods and much more. On one occasion, my dad cried when he saw what was happening to his merchandise and asked me if I was doing something wrong and I told him no that I was just doing an honest job and I hugged him tightly. That's why I want to be on the board of directors, to be able to achieve what we long for -- licenses and permits for everyone without excluding anyone.

Sarai Rodriguez
My name is Sarai Rodriguez, I have been working for 7 years as a street vendor, for 2 years I sold food outside my house without a permit until I had the opportunity to acquire a push cart. Since then I have rented a permit for 5 years. I vend in Manhattan, on 30th Street and Broadway. I would like to be part of the leadership board to fight for permits, but I also want to be part of the board because there are many issues that are not talked about as much, such as garage rentals where there are many deficiencies.

Vicente Veintimilla
My name is Vicente Veintimilla, I am 53 years old, I have been a vendor for more than 30 years, and currently I sell coins and banknotes of the world .NUMISMATIC, basically and alternate with general merchandise of the season. Being part of the leadership board of SVP is a real challenge, merging the experiences of the street with the knowledge that the SVP provides is a complement to ensure the welfare of the vending community. As vendors we have projects, aspirations and being the spokesperson for my colleagues motivates me to participate in decision making, as it is an imperative need to be able to disseminate our obligations and defend our rights.

Jack Yan
Hello everyone, my name is Junhui Yan, or Jack in English. I vend Chinese antiques like ceramics and other artware. I am running for SVP's Leadership Board because I want to contribute and be a meaningful part of my community. This past year has been especially difficult and complicated for us street vendors, and I have led and organized vendors across Flushing to participate in rallies, marches, and other events like meeting with elected officials. Even though we couldn't achieve what we wanted in Flushing, I have learned a lot and am more knowlegeable when it comes to organizing for future actions and campaigns. I am looking forward to working with and learning from everyone here at SVP.

Ramatu Baba
My name is Ramatu Baba and I have been a vendor for 10 years. During my time on the streets of Harlem and throughout the country, I have seen firsthand a lot of the struggles vendors experience. I join the leadership board and join forces with vendors all over the city. We all share the same struggles and the board is the perfect place to come to the table and discuss solutions together. Thank you.

Xochitl Campos
My name is Xochitl Campos, and I sell a variety of products including Mexican candies, raspados, and prepared meals for gatherings like mole and pozole. I am a representative of Corona Plaza, and I have been a street vendor for 18 years. In addition to my work as a street vendor, I am also a healer who uses traditional, indigenous medicines and practices. I wish to be part of the leadership board to continue fighting on behalf of all of you for a better response to licenses and permits so that one day we will no longer be in the shadows and someday stand proudly as vendors.

Cleotilde Juarez
Hello, my name is Cleotilde Juarez, I am an entrepreneur and I sell Mexican food on Junction Boulevard, Queens. I would like you to vote for me so that I can represent my comrades from my local area, so that their voice, their grievances, as well as their demands can be transmitted from their perspective. Like our comrades in other commercial districts, ours is considered a restricted street, we want more streets to work in and less restricted streets. Another concern we have is about garbage, there should be more garbage cans in the streets so that the public can properly dispose of their waste and not blame it on the street vendors. Lastly, I want to learn how one should communicate with fellow street vendors, as a leadership board member I want to be able to communicate with my peers about their duties as part of the community.

Maria Angelica Castillo Luna
Good afternoon, my name is Maria Angelica Castillo. I would like to run again to be part of the leadership board because I have never liked the injustices that have been done to the vending community I have always fought for my community and I think we need to keep fighting to get the city to give us permits to work with dignity and while the work we have done has been strong, we have to keep fighting!

Ahmed Mourad
My name is Ahmed Mourad. I work as food vendor in 3 boroughs and I know how dangerous and unsafe it is to work at night in the Bronx, Manhattan, and Brooklyn, and I know how much tickets cost in Manhattan and I want make a big difference. Knowing how hard it is let’s bring our challenge and solutions in our board to help our community to work in a better and save and easy environment. I am committed to open for changes that will make my colleagues' lives easier.

Rosario Troncoso
Hello, my name is Rosario Troncoso, I am a general merchandise vendor at Corona Plaza. I would like to join the SVP leadership board because I want to learn more about how to support street vendors. I am also a good candidate because I have a lot to contribute on how the Corona Plaza street vendors association was formed.

Theresa Wright
My name is Theresa Wright, a general merch vendor + business owner on 125th Street. I have been vending for about 3 years now. I have been to protests and been involved in meetings and love the sense of community that is fostered in these environments. I hope to be elected to the leadership board to further support my comrades on 125th Street and also explore how we can assist vendors all across the city.