Past Campaigns
Lift the Caps​
A campaign to increase the number of permits and licenses, increase space for vending, and bring justice to NYC vendors!
In 1979 & 1983 City Council put limits on the number of vending licenses and permits issued. Food vending permits were reduced drastically, from almost 12,000 to only 3,000, & merchandise licenses were arbitrarily capped at 853.
Thousands of phone calls, powerful rallies, direct action that shut down major bridges, and culminating in a 23-day hunger strike made history in New York State. On April 6, 2021, the NYS Legislature approved a budget for a $2.1 billion Excluded Workers Fund – the largest-in-the-nation and the first of its kind.
Within 9 weeks of the program’s implementation, over 130,000 excluded New Yorkers were approved for the fund – 99% qualified for the maximum benefit of $15,600.
Read more here.
Pushcart Fund​
A special collaboration between the Street Vendor Project, a vendor organization, and the Business Center for New Americans, an established small business loan and training provider.
The Pushcart Fund was funded with $20,000 of seed capital used to give loans to street vendors. New York City street vendors who needed capital to sustain or grow their small businesses applied. Many vendors needed loans to buy new pushcarts or stock up on merchandise. Others needed loans to pay their fines and renew their licenses so they could stay in business.